Saturday, October 31, 2009

Circular .No.38

Confederation of Central Government

 Employees and Workers

CHQ: Manishinath Bhawan,

A2/95, Rajouri Garden,

New Delhi – 110027


D.  11/38/2009

Phone: No. 011 2510 5324

Mobile: Secretary General: 098110 48303

Dated: 30th October, 2009

Dear Comrades,

            We invite your kind reference to our letter D.11/37/2009 dated 20th October, 2009.  We hope by this time you might have received the advertisement tariff forms for the Souvenir.  We seek your help in procuring advertisements.  The Reception Committee would be sending you another circular shortly.  All the affiliates are requested to clear off their dues as we are to prepare the list of entitled Councilors.   

            As per our decision taken at the last National Executive meeting we are to organize a human chain on 25.11.2009  in all Cities/Towns by eliciting  massive participation of the members.  The human chain is to connect two Central Government offices.  Kindly take all necessary arrangements to make the programme a grand success.

            There had been several suggestions from various affiliates and COCs to make certain amendments to the charter of demands.  Taking this into account, we have decided to redraft the charter of demands.  The revised charter of demands  is as under:

a)                 To reduce the price of all essential commodities.

b)                 To rescind the orders on outsourcing of Governmental functions and closure of offices.

c)                  To fill up all vacancies of Group D posts by regular recruitment and stop contracting out the Group D functions and employing daily rated/casual workers to carry out the Group D functions.

d)                 Reverse the decision to impose the New Contributory Pension Scheme and withdraw the order asking the employees to exercise option as a precondition to draw the 6th CPC arrears.

e)                 Remove the arbitrary ceiling on compassionate appointments.

f)                    Implement the Board of Arbitration awards.

g)                 Grant Pension and status of civil servant to GDS.


            With Greetings,

                                                                                                Yours fraternally




Secretary General